Shortlist Royal Photographic Society Open Call 2022

Winner Portrait of Britain 2021

Pina is 84, the choreographer and the one who set up the dance troupe about 20 years ago. The dancers are now all over 70 years old and most are in their late seventies, early eighties. During lockdown they practiced every Thursday via zoom (once they got the hang of it !). As lockdown eased and they were allowed to meet up, they wanted to bring some joy and ease the loneliness that the vulnerable, who were still self isolating, were feeling. They decided to dance outside on the Lisson Green Estate and then everyone isolating could watch from their windows. As Pina is 84 and the dancing troupe are elderly themselves they danced with masks on and at a 2 metre distance from each other. They did this whenever they could once restriction eased and would always get dressed up in their outfits below. Sometimes wearing the blue or red waistcoat .They love being together and have a wonderful camaraderie and dancing also helped their loneliness and gave them a purpose during lockdown. One of their favourite songs to dance to is ‘Sugar, Sugar’ and their dancing is based on line dancing. I had a go myself but trying to photograph and master the line dancing techniques didn’t really come together for me !!



Together Apart

